Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A new chapter in grown-upness

Hello friends

As many of you might know, I recently completed my Master's of Science in Speech Language Pathology. Achieving this milestone amidst some of the most difficult life experiences I've ever had caused me to reevaluate my state of adulthood. Given that now I will not only be gainfully employed as a career professional, earning a steady income for paying bills, but also getting married and prayerfully becoming a mother soon, I figured it was time to expand my social networking beyond the facey-spaces and tweety-pages, and actually start a grown-up blog. Therefore, I have. Please feel free to follow along. I can't promise continuous mature and adult-like postings, because, let's face it, no one can, but I can assure you that there will be no invitations to join my mafia, take a quiz to find out what your birth flower says about you, or decide if you like the fact that I'm hungry/tired/crampy, ect. Just me, doing my thing, and trying to write about it. Happy blogging!